Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Maine Adventure

Three shots of the sky from a friend's boat, an hour before sunset.

This is an island off the coast, near Boothbay Harbor
This is the foggy, rocky Maine coast.

Professional Orchid Scan

I took my work, now called "Moth Orchid," to a place that did a high-res scan. Here it is.

Another First!

Here is my first ever abstract painting. It is called "Colors of Santa Fe." The scan suffers from the same problem as the orchid--shadow because it is too big to lie flat on the scanner bed.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer Adventures: Body and Spirit

We spent two weeks in the Southwest from July 19th to August 2nd. The difference in the terrain and the colors from the Northeast were quite striking. The sun-washed oranges and reds of the high desert, the vast distances across the mountains, the storms that flash lightening in one direction while the sky is bright blue in another--so different from the deep greens of the Hudson Valley. The first two pictures are from Bandelier National Monument, where you can climb up to ancient cliff dwellings, as Connie is doing. Next is the Santa Fe farmer's market, followed by us in front of an old church on the high road to Taos. The amazing rock formation in the next photo is called Chimney Rock. We hiked up to it on Ghost Ranch where Georgia O'Keefe lived and painted. The next photo is looking down at the Rio Grande from an overlook in White Rock NM, followed by a distant view of Pedernal, a mountain near Abiqui which is also Georgia O'Keefe country. She painted this scene. The final picture is a rock formation on Ghost Ranch.