Friday, August 31, 2007

Last Week's County Fair

These photos are from the Dutchess County Fair in Rhinebeck, NY. Huge affair, with wonderful garden displays as well as the expected livestock. These pigs and rabbits seem to understand the design principle of "threes."

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Three Pears: Watercolor

Summer's End

August 30th. The summer flowers are just about over. You can see the center flowers of beebalm without the outer red ray flowers. This part of beebalm provides winter interest in the garden.
As a botanical artist, the brightly colored arrays of newly harvested vegetables and fruits at the farmer's market are tantalizing. A fresh chance to capture garlic on the stalk, striped eggplants, 17" zucchini and yellow heirloom tomatoes. I found an odd eggplant that I bought to draw, but now feel it might be better just photographed--who would believe it? Starting the week after Labor Day I will be taking a course at the New York Botanical Gardens called "Drawing Summer's Bounty: Selections from the Farmer's Market." Every year I try to draw and paint the amazing gourds and squash of the fall, and every year I am unhappy with my work. Perhaps this year I will get some guidance from Kathie Miranda, the class instructor.
The fall/winter catalog from the NYBG just arrived two days ago, so there is still time to sign up for classes. I did it a couple of weeks ago when the info first appeared online. I am so anxious about being able to get into the classes I want--especially the pen and ink class this fall and the colored pencil class that begins in January. I need to learn how to use these very different mediums in my work.